Years ago, discovering that the admin “status” workbooks lived in the Tableau Server file system was pretty damned exciting for some of us. We don’t get out much.
I was therefore shocked, dismayed, and a touch frightened to find that my babies could no longer be found in the \Tableau Server\<version>\wgserver\z5\WEB-INF\admin folder.
I immediately set out looking for them, and discovered they now lived in a highly template-ized form inside Tableau Server\version>\bin\vizql.war. Curses! All the field names were unintelligible gobbledygook because of said templating. Some of the calcs were broken, too. Anyhoo, thought I had a lot of work ahead of me and asked co-workers to send me the “old” 9.3 version instead….
But, super-TAM Phillip Millhollen figured out a better way. If you go ahead and render a view in this workbook from inside Tableau Server, a temporary copy gets dropped into the Tableau’s temp folder. Here’s me spelunking for it with Agent Ransack:
Since I’m installed on D, my temp folder is inside the Tableau Server folder hierarchy on D:…yours might be in C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\temp if you used the setup defaults.
Inside the temp folder, you’ll find a “tableau admin views <timestamp>twb” file. As Phillip discovered, all you need to do is give this sucker a .twb file extension, and you’re in business.
Thank you, Phillip. Now I can go to work safe in the knowledge that the world is not falling down around my ears.
Brilliant! Thank you for sharing
Works for me, one note if you are using a distributed installation you need to look for the twb on your workers where the repository lives. This was a slap myself in the forehead moment but I was stuck for a bit…
One caveat…if your environment is distributed, and the Tableau Repository lives on workers and not the Primary, then the “tabbed admin views” will be saved on the workers where the Repository is running.
Actually, I’m seeing this name on 10.0.2:
tabbed admin views2984039983865526692twb
Good catch, Win. Dave mistyped. If you look at the screenshot it shows what you are seeing.
Very clever 🙂
Awesome, thanks!
How do you guys handle workbooks that are so slow that they *never* load (the user abandons the report altogether at some point). I’ve been doing some testing, and it looks like the `completed at` date still gets populated for these instances… has anyone figured out a way around this? Would be magical if there was a way to identify reports that actually loaded vs. ones that were abandoned pre-loading.
Don’t think you’ll be able to figure this out via the system tables. Instead (if it’s even possible), you’d need to “Splunk” the logs and look for some sort or response to a client that no longer exists. I assume that would raise some sort of exception that gets recorded somewhere, but I’ve never thought about trying to figure this out.
Here’s an alternate way of thinking about this which would conveniently allow you to forget about this situation: “Bad is bad”: if a dashboard has been improperly authored and/or the data system it relies on is too slow, it should be fixed…full stop. Even if a user grits their teeth and waits for the thing to come back, it’s not fair to them…
Thanks. In Version 9.3, we have converted the admin views workbook as an extract and have been incrementally refreshing it. This was to track some key parameters like refresh extracts run time, View load time, downloads etc. This got broken with V10 Upgrade. I am able to restore the workbooks now. thanks again
In a distributed environment, it looks like you may need to look on the workers for these files. I could not find them on the primary and eventually found them on one of the workers.
Great ! I got it on the worker repository.
Is the path different for version 10.2? I can’t find any files called tabbed admin views under the Tableau folder in programdata.
Hi Team,
we are running 10.1 v, i am not able to find the admin view workbook in above mentioned path, can you please let me know the 10.1 v path
I found it from \ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\temp even for 10.5 server. You will have to open admin view before you look for this temp folder.
I can’t find this in 2018.1. Anyone able to?
Great tip. Worked for me
On v2018.3.7 the file is now here:
…\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\temp\vizqlserver_0.20183.19.0515.1023
Hi, how do you overcome that the rails user is needed, and how do you make it possible to get this information via your normal Tableau admin user?
Where can i find the admin view workbook on a linux server?
i can’t find this in 2021.2.0 Anyone able to?