Monitoring Tableau
Yes, TabMon can be just like “those meddling kids”. It will prevent second-rate villains like pegged CPU, poor disk speed, and low RAM from spoiling your Tableau experience.
Before you go further, make sure you visit these. They are “primer” material:
Standard Disclaimer
TabMon is not directly supported by the fine folks at Tech Support. You know that already.
What we’re going to get into here is a bit mind-bendy. Just a reminder that you need to sink or swim with this material on your own. Or, perhaps use the Server Admin forum….but don’t go to tech support. They’re not supposed to help you get this stuff working, and I don’t want them coming after me in my sleep…because they do go ninja sometimes.
The Server Health infrastructure that TabMon relies on is quite rich. By default TabMon monitors things that most people care about. But you’re not most people, are you? You’re one of those “go further” people, I bet.
Well, we can go further and take advantage of ALL of the Server Health goodness if you know how to access it.
Let’s do it
Ready for the red pill? Begin by watching this:
Pretty neat stuff, huh?
To recap:
- You need jconsole, which is part of the Java SDK
- You need to make sure that JMX is enabled for monitoring (TabMon documentation explains how to do this). For good measure, make sure you can get through the Windows Firewall on the server, too
- Use jconsole to connect to a specific port for the service you care about: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:port/jmxrmi
- You can identify the ports to connect to in tasks.yml – look for entries for each process you want to monitor (and keep in mind some of them don’t support monitoring)
- You’ll find basic stuff on the “Overview” tab, and cool stuff on the Mbeans tab under
- Reminder: If you have two (or more) copies of a process, you want to monitor each one.
Here are a list of primary URIs that you can use. The ports MAY be different for you, but generally won’t be:
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:9400/jmxrmi (vizql #1)
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:9401/jmxrmi (vizql #2)
Tableau Server Application Server
Data Server
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:10000/jmxrmi (#1)
service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://host:10001/jmxrmi (#2)
There are others, but the information you’ll find there is less interesting (at least to me).
…and here is a (quite incomplete) list of counters that I think are particularly cool. If you play with different items, please post ’em in the comments section. Tell me what they do, and I’ll add them to the encyclopedia JMX. There are TONS of these suckers, and I’ve just started playing…
UPDATE [27-Mar-2016]. MBeans associated with the App Server process no longer work in 9.3. See this post for more info
Process | Category | Description | Counter | Description |
Vizql | vizqlservice | All counters for vizql are here. | RedisConnectionPoolBlockedRequests | Counts the number of times the Redis Cache Server was "busy" when VizQL wanted to talk to it |
SessionsInFlight | The number of active sessions actually doing work on the server at the moment of measurement. A pretty good measure of "concurrent users". | |||
SharedSessionsFullSharedHits | When two or more users execute the same viz and DO NOT apply filters to "personalize", the viz can be served from a single, shared vizqlserver session. Modifying / filtering the viz will spawn a new (unshared) session. | |||
App Sever | webclientappservice. create {comment project, subscription, schedule, site} | A set of counters which allow you to see when comments, projects, subscriptions, schedules and sites are created. | Average Request Latency | Avg amount of time to complete in ms |
Requests Failed | Requests which failed | |||
Requests Processed | Total # of requests to create |
webclientappservice. delete { comments, data sources, extract tasks, projects, subscriptions, schedules, sites, workbooks} | Tracks a user deleting one (or more) of the items listed in "Category". For example, webclientappservice.deletesites reflects the deletion of a site in the web portal | Average Batch Failure | Number of failures in the list of selected items which were tagged to be deleted | |
Average Batch Size | Average number of items (workbooks, schedules, etc.) that were selected together to be deleted in a batch | |||
Average Request Latency | Amount of time to carry out the task | |||
RequestsFailed | Number of batched requests for deletion which failed. | |||
RequestsProcessed | Number of batched delete requests | |||
webclientappservice. login | Tracks login activity | AverageRequestLatency | Average time-to-login | |
RequestsFailed | # of Login requests which failed (bad username, password, etc.) | |||
RequestsProcessed | Number of direct (non-REST, non Trusted Tickets) login attempts | |||
webclientappservice. logout | Tracks logout activity | AverageRequestLatency | Average time-to-logoff | |
RequestsFailed | # of logout requests which failed (don't know how this would happen, but there you are) | |||
RequestsProcessed | Number of direct (non-REST) logout attempts | |||
webclientappservice. setexplicitpermissions | Indicates a user or admin changed permissions on a viz or data source | AverageRequestLatency | ||
RequestsFailed | ||||
RequestsProcessed | ||||
webclientappservice. setprojectcontrolledpermissions | Tracks if the permissions of a project have been changed from "Manager by an Owner" to "Locked to the Project" or vice-versa | AverageRequestLatency | ||
RequestsFailed | ||||
AverageRequestLatency | ||||
webclientappservice. set{workbook, project}owner | Increments when the owner of a workbook or project is changed | AverageRequestLatency | ||
RequestsFailed | ||||
AverageRequestLatency | ||||
webclientappservice. updatesiteavailability | Indicates a site has been disabled and/or re-enabled | AverageRequestLatency | ||
RequestsFailed | ||||
AverageRequestLatency | ||||
webclientappservice. updatesitesettingsforadmin | Watches whether an admin modifies site settings (disk quota, web authoring, perf reporting, etc.) | AverageRequestLatency | ||
RequestsFailed | ||||
AverageRequestLatency | ||||
iclientxmlappservice. publishdatasource | A client published a data source to Tableau Server | AverageRequestLatency | Average time to publish. Includes extract upload time. | |
RequestsFailed | Failures | |||
AverageRequestLatency | Number of publish attempts | |||
iclientxmlappservice. publishdatasource | A client published a workbook to Tableau Server | AverageRequestLatency | ||
RequestsFailed | ||||
AverageRequestLatency |
See why this stuff could be so useful? For the security-conscious it would be very useful to know when someone changes permissions on a workbook or project…or modifies the owner of something….or rebuilds the search index (what are they trying to HIDE, I ask you?! A conspiracy theorists dream)
I’ve only dug in briefly on the iclientxmlappservice counters – there is lots of work there for someone to do 🙂
Telling TabMon how to Monitor Tableau
After you’ve selected a bunch of new counters you want to track you need to convince TabMon to watch them for you.
The video below explains how:
And with that the trilogy is complete and I can go on vacation. Enjoy, see you next year and please add to the list of stuff above!
Good post, however doesn’t looks to work on Tableau 10.2 or 10.3 beta. Do you know how to get the right JMX port?
Hey Sebastian –
Sorry, but you’ll need to be a bit more specific. What exactly doesn’t work? Keep in mind that some of these Mbeans have also been renamed and/or removed altogether over time. Therefore the best thing to do is connect with JConsole first, see what’s there for “your” version of Tableau, then hack the tabmon config files.